The facts about the cloud web space hosting service
Actually, the real cloud web site hosting solution serves separate hosting services like data storage, electronic mail, FTP, databases, DNS, statistics, hosting Control Panel, backup, and so on, on separate bunches of leading edge servers. Each particular service group creates a cluster. All the servers in a cluster are dedicated to serving only the specific service and nothing else. They will all run as one web server, sharing the service's load in nearly equal proportions. If there is a real cloud web hosting service, there has to be: a data storage cluster, a mail cluster, a File Transfer Protocol cluster, database clusters (MySQL/PostgreSQL), a DNS cluster, a stats cluster, a website hosting Control Panel cluster, a backup cluster, and so on. All these separate service clusters will constitute the so-called cloud website hosting system.
The immense cloud webspace hosting swindle. Quite popular at the moment.
There is so much speculation circulating around about cloud web hosting at the moment. As you can perceive,cloud hosting does not only seem perplexing, but actually it is very perplexing. Most of the people are not at all aware of what cloud hosting is. On the wings of this universal unawareness, the "cloud web page hosting corporations" speculate fervently, just to get hold of the client and his/her 5 bucks per month. What a shame! A big shame. This is due to the fact that in the web page hosting business there are no decrees whatsoever. The domain industry niche has ICANN. The web hosting industry has no such administrative institution. This is the reason why the web page hosting corporations speculate and lie openly (quite directly, in fact) to their customers. Particularly the cPanel-based cloud web hosting providers. Let's discover how much cloud hosting they in fact can furnish.
The facts about the cPanel-based "cloud" web site hosting companies
If a cPanel-based website hosting retailer has a cloud web site hosting solution at hand, which is very improbable, lots of web servers must be bought. Which is also not cheap. We will get back to that towards the end of this story. But before we do, let's explore what the cloud predicaments are. So, it's quite unlikely for a cPanel hosting wholesaler to keep the cloud web site hosting system at hand, since developing one requires years. Even when time and the provision of a proficient team are not an issue, lots of cash must be spent too. Heaps of cash. On top of that, cPanel is not open source. That's a vast predicament.
The absence of open source cloud web site hosting environments
There aren't any open source cloud hosting systems. There are no open source webspace hosting Control Panel GUIs (operating with the cloud web page hosting solution) as well. Therefore, to have a cloud hosting system at hand, in the first place you have to fabricate one. In-house. Secondly, you must develop the Control Panel as well.
One server-based website hosting Control Panels
Famous web hosting CPs like cPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, etc. are set up to function on a single server exclusively. All webspace hosting services (storage space, electronic mail, FTP, databases, DNS, statistics, Control Panel, backup, etc.) are being served simultaneously on one single server where these particular one-server webspace hosting platforms and web page hosting CPs are set up.
The absence of open source web page hosting CPs
So, you must devise a custom hosting Control Panel that will work unproblematically and to include it within the cloud platform, as if it was an inherent component of it. Good instances of in-house devised cloud website hosting solutions with in-house set up hosting CPs are: NTCHosting, Lonex, Exclusive Hosting, FreeHostia, OpenHost, 50Webs, 100WebSpace, Fateback, MediaTemple and ResellersPanel
Cloud hosting hardware equipment costs
The smallest contribution required, just for the cloud website hosting hardware equipment, is equivalent to somewhere between 60,000 USD and $80,000. That's excluding the DDoS tool, which is another 15-20 thousand dollars. Now you do know how many cloud site hosting platforms can be detected out there... and, in particular, why the hosting sky is so blue... and virtually cloudless!